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Fuchs KSW #11


NazwaFuchs KSW
(Fuchs) /Fuchs KSW 12-65 [1-1] (1943-1950)
Numer zabudowy59
19441972WL Wien
1972WTM Wien
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
1944197211 / WL Wien
19721 / WTM Wien
Inne informacje
Historic tram. Built by Waggonfabrik Fuchs, Heidelberg.


22 marca 2011 - Wien (AT) – Drechslergasse. Our Polish readers will be forgiven for thinking this is a Type N tram from one of the Polish tramways. In fact, it is Car #1 of the Vienna Tramway Museum and was built in 1944 to the KSW (kreigsstrassenbahnwagen) wartime design, which later became the inspiration for the Type N.
Autor: dvigar
22 marca 2011 - Wien (AT ) - Hetzendorferstrasse . The Type A ‘Kriegstrassenbahnwagen’ from the large operating fleet of the Wien tramway museum. These trams, of course, were the basis for the design of the Polish Type N trams.
Autor: dvigar
22 marca 2011 - Austria, AT - Wien, Drechlergasse: One of the many Wiener Tramway Museum cars on an enthusiast trip along part of the vast Vienna tram network. This 1944-built tram is a KSW Type, (standing for German Krieg-Strassenbahn-Wagen), which was the model for thousands of N Type trams built in Poland and elsewhere as late as the 1960s. The little single track loop here is outside the Wien Breitensee rail station.
Autor: dvigar
22 marca 2011 - Wien, AT - Kaiserebersdorfer Strasse/Zinnergasse: Further along the enthusiast tour, the KSW tram pauses at a turning loop not far from the Tramway Museum.
Autor: dvigar

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