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(United Electric Car) Brill 21E/United Electric Car Johannesburg
Numer zabudowy
19061960JMT Johannesburg
1964NTM Crich
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
1906196060 / JMT Johannesburg
196460 / NTM Crich
Inne informacje
Built in Preston, Lancashire and ran in South Africa from 1906 to 1960.


9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich,UK - National Tramway Museum: Seen beneath the Bowes Lyon bridge which is a feature of the Crich museum is this tram from the Johannesburg Municipal Tramways of South Africa, a large system with British origins. Built by the UECC company of Preston, Lancashire, it would have been shipped in `kit form` and assembled on arrival in South Africa. It ran there until 1959 and was later brought back to England as an example of a tram built in the UK but exported - one of many.
Autor: dvigar
29 września 2011 - Crich, Derbyshire (GB) – National Tramway Museum. You might ask why a South African tram is in the British national collection? In fact, this vehicle was built at Preston, Lancashire in 1906 for export and ran in Johannesburg until the tramway system there closed in 1960. Although it appears similar to contemporary British trams, it has larger opening windows (for the African climate) and bilingual notices in English and Afrikaans. It came to Crich in 1964, so was one of the first electric trams to operate at the museum. The Crich pub, like all other buildings in the museum street, was brought here from elsewhere and rebuilt – it serves good beer!
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

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