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Tatra T3SUCS #165


NazwaTatra T3SUCS
(Tatra) /Tatra T3 (4xČKD TE 022 40kW/54HP) 23-110 [2-2-2] (1983-1989)
Numer zabudowy
2004Tatra T3R.P
(Pars nova) /ČKD Tatra T3 (4xČKD TE 022 40kW/54HP ) 22-112 [2-2-2] (2000-)
1987DP Olomouc
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
1987165 / DP Olomouc


14 maja 2005 - Olomouc, Namesti Republiki. To stare, uniwersyteckie miasto ma pare slicznych budynkow oraz kompaktowa i wydajna siec tramwajowa. Tutaj para T3 z nr 165 na czele przejezdza przez starowke. Tlumaczenie: straphan
Autor: dvigar
14 maja 2005 - Olomouc (CZ) - Sokolska. The rather tight little tramway system in Olomouc includes this long, single track link from the city centre to the only depot. Somehow, the drivers know how to avoid a sudden meeting along this track, where there doesn’t appear to be any form of signalling. Here, Tatra #165 is heading for the depot – these trams are still the main type used here.
Autor: dvigar
14 maja 2005 - Olomouc (CZ) – depot/zajezdnia. #165 again, this time parked in the depot yard with some of its brothers. Everything around here is on a small scale and finding enough space to park all the trams can be a real problem = the outside parking yard here is called the ‘Rubik’, as it’s a real puzzle to know which trams to park at the back, so others can get out first.
Autor: dvigar
29 grudnia 2009 - Olomouc, Hlavní nádraží. T3SUCS 165 vypravená na linku č. 6 opouští zastávku Hlavní nádraží.
Autor: Enterprise

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