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Alexander Dennis Enviro 300 II #27877


NazwaAlexander Dennis Enviro 300 II
(Alexander Dennis) /Alexander Dennis Enviro II/III
Numer zabudowyD304/17
2013Stagecoach South Chichester
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
2013GX13 AOY
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
201327877 / Stagecoach South Chichester


3 lutego 2014 - The Hard, Portsea, Portsmouth. Portsmouth is home to a deep history of the British Navy, and some important vessels from the past are kept at the historic dockyard and are now a popular tourist attraction in the area. One such ship is HMS Warrior, the first armour-plated, iron-hulled warship in the British Fleet and is seen in the background here.
Autor: shedinagarden

Komentarze: 1

Fotogaleria Transportowa

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