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AEC Regent III RT #D67


NazwaAEC Regent III RT
(Park Royal) AEC Regent III/London Transport RT (1947-1954)
Numer zabudowyB34500
1950?St Helens St Helens
SVB Museum Lathalmond, Fife
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
1950BDJ 67
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
1950?D67 / St Helens St Helens
D67 / SVB Museum Lathalmond, Fife
Inne informacje
London Transport RT type bus, one of forty supplied new to St Helens Corporation.

These were the only RT buses sold new outside London.


12 kwietnia 2014 - London (UK) - Holborn Viaduct. A `standard` RT bus, but rather different - one of a batch of forty operated by St Helens Corporation in Lancashire. Although other ex-London RTs were eventually sold for further service elsewhere, St Helens was the only operator outside London to buy them new. It now lives in Scotland and had travelled down to London specially for the celebrations.
Autor: dvigar
13 kwietnia 2014 - Cobham, UK - Brooklands: Despite the RT-type double-deck bus becoming a firm favourite in London in the 1950s, it wasn`t a success elsewhere. This was because it was specifically designed for conditions in central London and was regarded by other operators as over-engineered and too expensive for provincial towns and cities. Although quite a few concerns bought RTs second-hand when they were released by London (recognising their very high maintenance standards)only a handful bought any new. One such was St Helens Corporation in Lancashire and one of their RTs has survived in preservation, as shown here.
Autor: dvigar
17 maja 2015 - Running Day 2015 in the Scottish Vintage Bus Museum!
Autor: hinerkduetz

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