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Ikarbus IK103 #63


NazwaIkarbus IK103
(Ikarbus) /Ikarbus IK103/IK104 (MAN D2066LUH11 199kW/271HP 10518cm3) (Voith D864.5(4)) 30-110 (2006-)
Numer zabudowy
2005Arriva Београд
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
BG 723-588
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
63 / Arriva Београд


16 grudnia 2005 - "LUV - Braca Sarac" from Belgrade, Serbia, is the largest private transportation company in Belgrade. Last year alone, this company bought 65 new Ikarbus 103 vehicles mainly through leasing deals. This one, #63 was photographed in town of Kragujevac on the small exibit of vehicles. This bus has MAN Euro 3 engine and Voith automatic gearbox.
Autor: busmodel

16 grudnia 2005 - "LUV - Braca Sarac" from Belgrade, Serbia, is the largest private transportation company in Belgrade. Last year alone, this company bought 65 new Ikarbus 103 vehicles mainly through leasing deals. This one, #63 was photographed in town of Kragujevac on the small exibit of vehicles. This bus has MAN Euro 3 engine and Voith automatic gearbox.
Autor: busmodel

16 grudnia 2005 - "LUV - Braca Sarac" from Belgrade, Serbia, is the largest private transportation company in Belgrade. Last year alone, this company bought 65 new Ikarbus 103 vehicles mainly through leasing deals. This one, #63 was photographed in town of Kragujevac on the small exibit of vehicles. This bus has MAN Euro 3 engine and Voith automatic gearbox.
Autor: busmodel

Komentarze: 2

16 grudnia 2005 - "LUV - Braca Sarac" from Belgrade, Serbia, is the largest private transportation company in Belgrade. Last year alone, this company bought 65 new Ikarbus 103 vehicles mainly through leasing deals. This one, #63 was photographed in town of Kragujevac on the small exibit of vehicles. This bus has MAN Euro 3 engine and Voith automatic gearbox.
Autor: busmodel

16 grudnia 2005 - "LUV - Braca Sarac" from Belgrade, Serbia, is the largest private transportation company in Belgrade. Last year alone, this company bought 65 new Ikarbus 103 vehicles mainly through leasing deals. This one, #63 was photographed in town of Kragujevac on the small exibit of vehicles. This bus has MAN Euro 3 engine and Voith automatic gearbox.
Autor: busmodel

16 grudnia 2005 - "LUV - Braca Sarac" from Belgrade, Serbia, is the largest private transportation company in Belgrade. Last year alone, this company bought 65 new Ikarbus 103 vehicles mainly through leasing deals. This one, #63 was photographed in town of Kragujevac on the small exibit of vehicles. This bus has MAN Euro 3 engine and Voith automatic gearbox.
Autor: busmodel

Komentarze: 2

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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