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MAN NL273 Lion`s City CNG #5464


NazwaMAN NL273 Lion`s City CNG
(MAN) MAN NLxx3 (A21/A22)/MAN NLxx3 Lion`s City (MAN E2876LUH08 200kW/272HP 12816cm3 E6) (ZF 6 AP 1200 B EcoLife(6)) [2-2-0, 2-2-2]
Numer zabudowy
2015RATP Paris
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
20155464 / RATP Paris


20 października 2015 - Le Blanc-Mesnil, MAN depot. Lion`s City CNG #5464 is seen here with hybrid sisters awaiting delivery to Paris operator RATP.
Autor: Texagon
6 grudnia 2015 - Le Blanc-Mesnil, MAN depot. Lion`s City CNG #5464 is seen here with a gas-powered sister awaiting delivery to Paris operator RATP. Her delivery has been delayed due to, apparently, an accident: the `5464` number on the back window is not the original one, probably explaining a window change.
Autor: Texagon
6 grudnia 2015 - Le Blanc-Mesnil, MAN depot. Lion`s City CNG #5464 is seen here with gas-powered sisters awaiting delivery to Paris operator RATP. Her delivery has been delayed due to, apparently, an accident: the `5464` number on the back window is not the original one, probably explaining a window change.
Autor: Texagon
6 stycznia 2016 - Le Blanc-Mesnil, MAN depot. Lion`s City CNG #5464 is seen here awaiting delivery to Paris operator RATP. It is very late, presumably because of an accident earlier during delivery.
Autor: Texagon

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