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UCC Feltham #331


NazwaUCC Feltham
(UCC) Brill 21E/UCC Feltham
Numer zabudowy
19301933MET London
19331937LT London
19371951SCT Sunderland
1961NTM Crich
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
19301933331 / MET London
19331937331 / LT London
19371951100 / SCT Sunderland
1961331 / NTM Crich
Inne informacje
Metropolitan Electric Tramways, prototype Feltham Class.


28 sierpnia 1987 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum. Tram 100 operated in Sunderland, but was originally built for the Metropolitan Electric Tramways of London and was very advanced for its year.
Autor: dvigar
5 maja 2006 - NTM Crich. Wagon ten to prototyp popularnego w Londynie typu wagonów Feltham Class, charakteryzującego się wybrzuszeniem z przodu i z tyłu oraz wejściem pośrodku wagonu. W 1937 r. wagon ten trafił do Sunderland, a po zamknięciu tamtej sieci został uratowany przez muzeum w Crich.
Autor: straphan
Komentarze: 6

9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: Resting between tours of duty in one of the NTM depot sheds, #331 of London`s Metropolitan Electric Tramways is an interesting vehicle. Built in 1930 by the Union Construction Company, it was a prototype for a class of tram known as the `Feltham`, which embodied many advances in passenger comfort and operating convenience. The MET company became part of London Transport, and by 1937 the tram was sold as non-standard to Sunderland Corporation, where it operated successfully until the 1950s. Restored to run at the Gateshead Garden Festival of 1990, it was then brought to Crich and has been a regular performer ever since.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 3

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