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Isuzu QQG-LV234N3 Erga Hybrid #26766

13 lutego 2019 - Hiroshima, Minami-ku, Midori 1-chōme (広島県広島市南区緑1丁目).
12-1: 東浄小学校前 (Tōjō-shōgakkō-mae) → 仁保沖町 (Niho-okimachi)
A slightly different shot - done very unexpectedly from on-board a rather older car on tram route 5. To wrap it up, some information about Hiroden`s bus network, but also the company itself. As of the end of March 2020, Hiroden operated a bus network of total route length of 1335.6 km using a fleet of 544 buses, carrying a daily average of 111 thousand passsengers. The entire company had 1780 employees at the time. Both of Hiroden`s transport branches are loss-incurring, as in fiscal 2019 Hiroden made a loss of 28 million yen on the tram network, equating nearly €216,000, and a loss of 1.075 billion yen on the bus network, or 8.29 million euro. Overall however the company is making profit (579 million yen in fiscal 2019, or 4.67 mln euro) due to its notably profitable housing development and renting business which easily makes up for the losses from its transport busieness - a model to be found not only at Hiroshima Dentetsu when it comes to Japan.

Isuzu PJ-LV234N1 Erga Non-Step #2604

11 lutego 2019 - Nagasaki (Nagasaki Pref.), Dōzamachi (長崎県長崎市銅座町). Putting aside how much I had to look for this place on Google Maps, this company has a really strange approach to passenger information. The number seen on the destination display doesn`t indicate the route as much as the destination area, or sometimes the route taken. Thus when using the stop timetables (which I already mentioned briefly under photo 1010960) one has to search for their route by the terminus name and then by the via points. The 20 seen in the photo is first the Ebira Line (江平線) towards the city centre, and second a very summary-like description of anything terminating at the Nagasaki Shinchi Terminal, or Chūō-bashi (Central Bridge). Well, the result is that timetables near the city centre look more like this...

Komentarze: 2

Isuzu QPG-LV234N3 Erga Non-Step #1584

11 lutego 2019 - Nagasaki (Nagasaki Pref.), Dejimamachi (長崎県長崎市出島町). A Japanese city bus operator without an Isuzu Erga? I probably mentioned it, but it`s like a British operator without an ADL.
Nagasaki city buses irritated me with their lack of Latin transcription on the scrolls - something I`d only seen in Kōbe other than here. On top of that, the timetables on stops were done in the "one table for all routes" style with the different variations in separate rows - without knowing the city I could only be guessing where goes what, given the lack of any route diagrams on the stops, something that`s a blessed standard elsewhere in the country.

Isuzu LKG-LV234N3 Erga Non-Step #H716-I

30 grudnia 2018 - Niigata (Niigata Pref.), Chūō-ku, Hanazono 1-chōme, Niigata station northside front (新潟県新潟市中央区花園1丁目).
C20: 新潟駅前 (Niigata Station) → 西部営業所 (Seibu Depot)
Last time, I presented a few buses from Sado island. This time around however I`ll be showing some shots from Niigata itself, the capital of the prefecture by the same name. Niigata is a port city, one of a few sea gates towards Korea, north China, and Russia. Inhabited by some 810 thousand, the first mention of its name come from 1520. The Niigata port was one of the five that were to be first opened to international traffic in 1858 after the first international agreements that were to open Japan to the world after 250 years of closing itself off. One of the characteristic features of the city up until the second half of the previous century was the network of canals, the layout of which forms part of the current street network. Nowadays Niigata is mostly a rular-oriented city - it`s famous for the highest quality white rice across the country, for example. From a tourist`s point of view, I found it just slightly surprising to see tourist information provided in... Russian, although it makes sense given the city`s location.

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