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Leyland Tiger PS1 / Plaxton #PA164

6 sierpnia 2012 - Manchester, UK - Boyle Street: An interloper in the Manchester Museum of Transport is this Leyland PS1 bus of 1950, originally part of the huge Walter Alexander fleet, which covered much of Scotland from it`s base in Falkirk. These were the single deck equivalent of the mighty double-deck Leyland PD2 series, but perhaps not quite so many were sold.

Leyland Tiger PS2 / Burlingham #44

2 sierpnia 2009 - Gosport, UK - Stokes Bay: The seaside holiday town of Bournemouth in Southern England has always had some distinctive public service vehicles, including one of the last remaining trolleybus systems in the UK, which even had some open top double-deck trolleys (think about that!). Here is a 1949 Leyland Tiger PS2/3 with an unusual full-fronted Burlingham body, a style not often seen, although it was quite popular here and also in Blackpool. It was #44 in the Bournemouth fleet.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS

Komentarze: 1

Leyland Tiger PS1 TD #TD95

7 maja 2018 - The TD Class single deck bus on its way from London to Brighton in this year`s annual celebration run. This bus has been owned by the London Bus Preservation Trust for some years and is normally displayed in their Brooklands museum. Note the position of the conductor - this was a common place for them to stand in nice weather and probably speeded up the switch to one-person operation, as so many conductors were lost when they fell out onto the road.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS

Leyland Tiger PS2 / East Lancs #36

22 maja 2016 - Stoke-on-Trent, Britannia Stadium parking.

Leyland Tiger PS2 / East Lancs #36

22 maja 2016 - Stoke-on-Trent, Britannia Stadium parking.

Leyland Tiger PS1 TD #TD95

1 stycznia 2015 - London, Pall Mall. Na noworocznej paradzie nie mogło zabraknąć przedstawicieli KM, tutaj dwa zabytki z połowy ubiegłego wieku.

Autor: rm RSS
Miejsce: London (Greater London) | Właściciel: LBPT Cobham

Leyland Tiger PS2/Burlingham #44

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. 1999 Southsea Spectacular vehicle rally

Komentarze: 1

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