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Jelcz 120M/1 #2175

Jelcz 120M/1 #2175

Wyprodukowany: 1994     Zezłomowany: 2012
Autor: Jacek Pudło pledytorRSS (1)
Dodano: 2010-12-08 21:33:57
Miejsce: Lublin / Lubelskie    
Szerokość: 750, Wysokość: 500
Rozmiar pliku: 141.25kB
3 września 2008 - Lublin, Hempla street. In 1992, after end of socialism in Poland, new technologies were available. Jelcz upgraded construction of its main model - Jelcz PR110 - and equipped it with western engine and gearbox. This is how Jelcz 120M was created. The production of cheaper version was still in progress, so a version with upgraded WSK Mielec SW680 engine - turbocharged SWT11, and manual gearbox of FPS was still available. At the beginning of 1990s Jelcz 120M was still sold in not so small numbers, but after 1994, when first low-floor western buses appeared in Poland, this model was slowly disappearing from Polish bus market. Slowly, because it was still upgraded and equipped with different engines, so the last one was manufactured probably in 2006.
en gt


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