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Scania CL94UB 4x2 LB ED95 #4715

31 stycznia 2022 - Stockholm, Telefonplan. Keolis 4715 and 3704. Both of these are from 2006 and run on ethanol.

Autor: ac75 RSS
Miejsce: Stockholm (Stockholm) | Właściciel: Busslink Stockholm | Organizator: SL Stockholm | Linia: 142

Scania CL94UB 4x2 LB ED95 #4721

31 stycznia 2022 - Stockholm, Telefonplan. Keolis 4721 at Telefonplan. In this embodiment, the (T) symbol has shown the way to the subway since 1958. The bike closest in the picture with the text `MONARK 75 år` at the frame is from their anniversary model from 1983, and looks to be in good condition.

Autor: ac75 RSS
Miejsce: Stockholm (Stockholm) | Właściciel: Busslink Stockholm | Organizator: SL Stockholm | Linia: 142

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