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Mercedes-Benz Intouro M #3389

28 lipca 2023 - Åre, Årevägen. Nobina 3389 on assignment to drive orienteerers in Åre. Behind 3384, we see the tower over the gateway to Åre`s old church. The text at the windows says: Hospitable school bus - open for all.

Autor: ac75 RSS
Miejsce: Åre (Jämtland) | Właściciel: Nobina Solna

Volvo 9700HD NG 13,8m #CEO 884

28 lipca 2023 - Åre, Årevägen. Clouds move in over Åreskutan. Heavy rain is expected later in the day. Closer to the Norwegian border, there will also be hail.

Autor: ac75 RSS

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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