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Volvo Olympian / Alexander Royale #34193

12 listopada 2014 - Liskey Hill, Perranporth. First Devon & Cornwall, formerly Western National, were for many years the largest operator in Cornwall having inherited the regulated network when privatised in the 1980s. However, over the last 15 years their dominance had been severely beaten by numerous independent operators, but particularly by Western Greyhound in swathes of mid Cornwall. However, as standards at Western Greyhound drop significantly, First have made a comeback by launching a number of competitive services. An example of which is this service, launched just a week before this picture was taken and good loads are already being carried - as can be seen here.

Komentarze: 2

Mercedes-Benz 811 D / Plaxton Beaver #HHZ 5929

8 sierpnia 2014 - School Road, Summercourt, Newquay. My very own bus, seen here during the drive home the day I took ownership. I took the opportunity to take a photograph with a much older and well cared for preserved bus with local connections.

AEC Routemaster RML #RML2290

14 czerwca 2014 - Round Garden, Crantock. For my 200th photo on Phototrans, there was no alternative to a big red Routemaster. Now retired from almost 50 years of hard work in the capital, this British legend has come to rural Cornwall for an easier life. Now predominantly used for private hires, and very popular for transporting guests to and from wedding venues as it was when this photo was taken.

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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