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Bedford OB / Duple Vista #JDV 754

3 sierpnia 2018 - Cirencester, Gloucestershire - South Cerney: The last Bedford OB for today is this one, ex-Lewis Coaches of Henstridge, Somerset and preserved since 1972. Like all the examples I have shown today, it has a Duple Vista body, this one built in 1949. There is very little discernible difference between this one and later OBs.

Bedford OB / Duple Vista #LDF 833

3 sierpnia 2018 - Cirencester, Gloucestershire - South Cerney: LDF 833, shown here, is reputed to have been the very last Bedford OB built in 1952. It was new to Bowles Coaches here in Gloucestershire and was later turned into a 1:24 scale model.

Bedford OB / Duple Vista #GDL 667

3 sierpnia 2018 - Cirencester, Gloucestershire - South Cerney: A local Bedford OB operated by Alexcars of Cirencester to full passenger-carrying licence standards is this example new to Paul`s Tours of the Isle of Wight in 1950. Like most Bedford OBs of this period, it has Duple Vista bodywork.

Komentarze: 2

Bedford OB / Duple Vista #LTA 750

3 sierpnia 2018 - Cirencester, Gloucestershire - South Cerney: Seen at a big vehicle rally last weekend was this little group of Bedford OB coaches, all with Duple Vista bodywork. This was a common vehicle with coach and bus operators in the late 1940s and 1950s, carrying around thirty people in comfort. Most were driven by a 3,200cc petrol engine. The coach nearest the camera was owned by Royal Blue, a national company specialising in express coach links from cities and towns in the south and west of England. Because of their handy size, OBs were a popular choice for second owners and then preservationists.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: | Właściciel: Private London | Organizator: Private

Komentarze: 1

Bedford OB / Duple Vista #CUT 465

11 września 2016 - Ramsey, Great Whyte.

Autor: N8S RSS

Bedford OB / Duple Vista #CUT 465

21 sierpnia 2016 - Ramsey, Great Whyte.

Autor: N8S RSS

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