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Foton AUV BJ6123 CNG #YGN 4P-1292

16 października 2018 - Sule terminus. The airport shuttle line between Sule and Yangon International Airport is effective since 23 June 2018. The shuttle bus departs every 5 minutes, and there is a standard fare of 500 MMK.

Autor: HKNedytor RSS
Miejsce: Yangon (Yangon) | Właściciel: YBS Yangon | Organizator: YRTA | Linia: Sule - Airport

Foton AUV BJ6123 CNG #YGN 2P-7332

14 października 2018 - The driver - wearing the traditional mens` dress, `longi` - is heading for his vehichle shortly before departure from the terminus at Yangon Central Train Station.

Autor: HKNedytor RSS
Miejsce: Yangon (Yangon) | Właściciel: YBS Yangon | Organizator: YRTA | Linia: 94

Foton AUV BJ6123 CNG #YGN 2P-7209

14 października 2018 - Yangon Central Railway Station terminus.

Autor: HKNedytor RSS
Miejsce: Yangon (Yangon) | Właściciel: YBS Yangon | Organizator: YRTA | Linia: 94

Foton AUV BJ6123 CNG #YGN 4N-6096

13 października 2018 - Merchant Street in Yangon city centre with several FOTON BJ6123 behind one of Yangons many private taxis. FOTONs delivery to Yangon of 1000 CNG vehicles was the largest export volume of Chinese buses in 2017.
Line 56 Thakhinmya Park (circle line).

Autor: HKNedytor RSS
Miejsce: Yangon (Yangon) | Właściciel: YBS Yangon | Organizator: YRTA | Linia: 56

Komentarze: 1

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