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Kinki Sharyo #197

7 lutego 2020 - الإسكندرية, الفتح (Alexandria, El-Fath) der Dreiwagenzug auf dem Weg nach El-Raml erreicht gleich die Haltestelle Safr.

Kinki Sharyo #6124

18 lutego 2010 - Cairo, Egypt: Inside the driving cab of a Cairo tram, somewhere on the network. The controls are very simple, just controller and air brake handles, but everything is filthy dirty and really cramped. I was able to drive a couple of these cars for short distances and could only just squeeze inside the cab, so a full day of driving one would be murder, particularly as the tracks gave a bone-shaking ride and evey junction involved playing Russian roulette with mad Egyptian car drivers.

Kinki Sharyo #6034

18 lutego 2010 - Cairo, Egypt - al Montazah: One of the surviving routes in Heliopolis showing Kinki Sharyo tram of 1978. Again, the tracks look quite OK, but closer inspection showed that many of the rails were clearly stamped "Krupps 1897", showing that they were installed when the system was built, nearly 120 years before! All Cairo trams on the Heliopolis services ran as two car trains, whereas the interurban line through to the main railway station in Cairo usually comprised three cars.

Komentarze: 3

Kinki Sharyo #6033

16 lutego 2010 - Cairo, Egypt - al Sayyid Al Mirghani: Kinki Sharyo tram #6033 again on the busy tram service through Heliopolis, where a frequent service gave the impression that the trams here still had a future. All was not well, however, and the whole system was shut down within the next few years. Although the reserved tracks were almost entirely in the centre of wide, dual carriageway roads the frequent junctions had no protection or priority for trams, which had to force their way across through the suicidal traffic (all sounding their horns continuously and refusing to give way).

Kinki Sharyo #6033

16 lutego 2010 - Cairo, Egypt - Atef el Sadat Square: Some pictures today of the former Cairo tramways, which suffered a long and painful death, killed off by a combination of murderous road traffic and extensions to the metro system. Here is a Kinki Sharyo two car train running along a section of reserved track on the edge of Heliopolis. These once private tracks were nearly all swallowed up to make more roads. The large fleet of Kinki Sharyo trams was built here from imported parts in 1978 and was quite broken by the time I visited.

Komentarze: 2

Kinki Sharyo #6006

14 lutego 2010 - Helwan, Egypt - el Harery Street: The smell in this area was indescribable, although the goats seemed to like it. Kinki Sharyo tram #6006 is shown on a (very) infrequent journey along the Helwan tramway. I doubt that the shepherdess expected to encounter a tram and always brings her animals out onto the tracks, although at many places in the city there is rotting food, dead dogs and other delights. This scene is typical of the condition of the Helwan tramway in its last days.

Komentarze: 3

Kinki Sharyo #6133

17 lutego 2010 - Helwan, Egypt - El Harery Street: Kinki Sharyo tram #6133 poses outside the depot, which was full of trams unlikely to ever run again, some of which had been parked there for years. A pair was occasionally tempted into life and dragged reluctantly out onto the rickety tracks, but there was no semblance of a regular service any more and the trams seemed to only run for the crews` amusement. The only travellers now preferred the frequent minibuses which ran everywhere. If you did happen to catch a tram, you had to be sure to bring a sheet of cardboard to sit on (all the seats were filthy) and have lots of time to spare!

Kinki Sharyo #6006

14 lutego 2010 - Helwan, Egypt - el Teram, Al Tibeen: I have seen many different tramways, but the one I always remember with most affection was at Helwan, a city just south of Cairo. Built in the early 1980s as a showpiece of modern light rail technology, Helwan was literally run into the ground for years, until the 2011 revolution finally came along and put it out of its misery. When I visited in 2010, the system only seemed to operate because no-one in authority knew how to close it down. This is the southern terminus of the main line, situated at no-where in particular, with the tram crew posing for photographs.

Kinki Sharyo #6016

14 lutego 2010 - Another tramway system which closed down recently was at Helwan, near Cairo and operated by the same city transport authority. Cairo didn`t show much interest in the Helwan operation, however - when we went to see the manager of Cairo tramways to ask whether the Helwan trams were still operating, he said that he didn`t know and we would have to go there to find out! Anyway, they WERE running (just) and we found probably the most decrepit system anywhere in the world, with everything totally broken and scarcely able to move. The revolution in Egypt closed the system for good.

Komentarze: 4

Kinki Sharyo #6106

16 lutego 2010 - I believe that the Cairo tramway system is no more and has finally gone completely after a very slow and lingering death, killed off by a combination of murderous traffic and lack of investment by a city transport authority wanting to run only buses. Right to the end of operation, it was possible to find rails clearly marked "Krupp 1897" in the main running lines, which showed how much money had been invested in the system! In happier times, here is one of the Kinki cars at Al-Sayyid-Al-Mirghani before the last few routes closed down.

Komentarze: 5

Kinki Sharyo #208

7 czerwca 2012 - Alexandria, Ramlah station.

Komentarze: 1

Kinki Sharyo #725

? - Kair (Egipt). Dodany pod pierwszy numer. Tramwaj opuszcza Helwan. Foto: Jane's Urban Transit Systems 1993/1994.

Kinki Sharyo #101

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), El Raml. 101+102+103 (nowe malowanie) i 176+177+178 (stare malowanie) na końcowym przystanku "szybkiego tramwaju".

Komentarze: 1

Kinki Sharyo #199

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Omar Lofty. 197+198+199.

Komentarze: 1

Kinki Sharyo #172

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Ahmed Shawqi. 172+171+170.

Kinki Sharyo #197

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Mohammed El-Sayed Hefny. 197+198+199.

Kinki Sharyo #223

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Omar Lofty. Skład 223+222+221. Ostatni wagon to piętrówka.

Kinki Sharyo #154

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Abd El-Salam Aref. 154+153+152 przed końcowym przystankiem w dzielnicy El-Raml.

Kinki Sharyo #208

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Omar Lofty. 208+207+206.

Kinki Sharyo #146

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Mahta Al Raml. 146+147+148 wtacza się na śródmiejską końcówkę linii.

Komentarze: 1

Kinki Sharyo #163

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Omar Lofty.

Kinki Sharyo #185

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Mahta Al Raml. 185+186+187.

Kinki Sharyo #178

11 stycznia 2012 - Aleksandria (Egipt), Omar Lofty. Odkryłem w poczekalni jeszcze jakieś zaległości z dalekich krajów.

Kinki Sharyo #6010

9 stycznia 2012 - Kair (Egipt). Skład 6010+6009 oczekuje na wjazd na jednotorowy przystanek początkowy przy dworcu głównym. To miejsce do niedawna nazywało się Mubarak, ale teraz z wiadomych powodów zostało przemianowane na Al Shohadaa.

Komentarze: 1

Kinki Sharyo #6009

9 stycznia 2012 - Kair (Egipt), Heliopolis, Al-Montazah. Końcówka linii zielonej, a na niej skład 6009+6010.

Komentarze: 1

Kinki Sharyo #813

9 stycznia 2012 - Kair (Egipt), przystanek na rozgałęzieniu linii z centrum Kairu do Helipolisu. Skad 814+813.

Komentarze: 1

Kinki Sharyo #816

9 stycznia 2012 - Kair (Egipt), skład międzymiastowy 815+816 na skrzyżowaniu ulic El-Nozha i Omar Ibn El-Khattab w Heliopolisie.

Komentarze: 1

Kinki Sharyo #925

10 stycznia 2012 - Kair (Egipt), nieco knotowate i ograne ujęcie z kładki przy głównym dworcu kolejowym. Akurat trafiła się prawdziwa gratka - potrójniak: 928+926+925.

Komentarze: 1

Kinki Sharyo #6006

17 lutego 2010 - Helwan (EG) - el Harery Street. MacDonalds Drive-Thru, all-you-can-eat salad bar. Im lovin' it.........

Komentarze: 7

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