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Be4/4 #724

20 czerwca 1998 - Sibiu, ??? (mit Bw 307)

Autor: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Be4/4 #721

20 czerwca 1998 - Sibiu, Tursib-Depou; la urma urmei cu vedeta Mercedes!

Autor: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Be4/4 #721

30 września 2008 - Sibiu, Romania - Calea Dumbravii: Tram #721 and trailer on the access street track leading to the depot, now completely gone. I believe that the remaining trams are now kept in the open air, which can`t do much for their condition. Getting trams in and out of the depot yard was a difficult operation, as this road was busy and the trams had to run against the traffic.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Be4/4 #724

29 września 2008 - Rasinari, Romania: At the end of the line in Rasinari village, tram 724, which came to Sibiu from Geneve in Switzerland, waits in the reversing wye to begin a trip back to Sibiu. The unmade street is typical. I believe that this section of track has now been cut back to the edge of the village.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu | Linia: 26

Komentarze: 1

Be4/4 #724

29 września 2008 - Sibiu, Romania - Cimitirul: At the former terminus of the Rasinari line, all three operational trams are seen together. Car 724 has just come from Rasinari with a public journey and the other two trams are waiting to begin a private charter trip along the line (which only cost a few Euros for a whole morning, when the service tram did not run). It was very unusual to see all three trams working together like this.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Be4/4 #724

29 września 2008 - Sibiu, Romania - Calea Dumbravii: The tramway from Sibiu to Rasinari runs for the most part alongside the roadside - it once went a little further but has now been cut back to a zoo and folk museum at the city limits. Ex-Geneve tram 724 is shown en route to Rasinari, passing one of the local residents. Even when the tramway was in public service, there were so few journeys that most travellers had changed to the bus, which ran frequently along exactly the same route but had the added benefit of going right into Sibiu city centre.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu | Linia: 26

Be4/4 #721

29 września 2008 - Sibiu, Romania - Calea Dumbravii: The Sibiu tram and trolleybus operations were amazing survivors, but would not last much longer when pictured outside the depot in 2008. The last two trolleybus routes, by now reduced to just one or two journeys each hour, went first and the depot yard was full of derelict vehicles. This left only the lovely interurban tramway line to the village of Rasinari, which had somehow kept going with only two serviceable trams running just a handful of trips each day. Everyone assumed that this would also close but (at the time of writing) the line can still be hired occasionally for charter trips, although there is now no regular public service. So against all the odds, a tram sometimes ventures along the overgrown and rickety track - long may it continue!

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Komentarze: 1

SWP Be4/4 #721

21 lipca 2011 - Tramvaj 721 v depu v Sibiu.

Autor: mj81 RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Komentarze: 2

SWP Be4/4 #721

28 maja 2009 - Sibiu - Cemitir

Autor: HaMa Schmid RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

SWP Be4/4 #724

29 września 2008 - Sibiu (RO) – Rasinari. The tram suddenly appears from the apple orchards to surprise a couple of car drivers. After crossing to the left side, it will run alongside the road into Rasinari village.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Komentarze: 4

SWP Be4/4 #724

29 września 2008 - Sibiu (RO) – Rasinari. Approaching Rasinari on an early evening trip, tram #724 passes a horse cart complete with a buffet car, so the farmers can get a drink if they get thirsty on the way home.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Komentarze: 9

SWP Be4/4 #721

24 kwietnia 2009 - Trasa pomiędzy Sibiu a Rasinari. "Tramvaj/2" (tak w rozkładzie oznaczana jest druga kolejność na jedynej linii tramwajowej w Sibiu) wykonuje ostatni kurs na pierwszej części "przerywanej". Po dojechaniu do Sibiu zjedzie do zajezdni. Tym samym w mieście przestaną kursować tramwaje, bowiem całodzienny "tramvaj/1" obsługiwany był tego dnia MAZem.

Autor: Piotr Tomasik RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Komentarze: 11

SWP Be4/4 #721

1 września 2008 - Sibiu (Rumunia), Cimitir. Jedyną linię tramwajową do Rasinari obsługuje jeden z czterech wiekowych wagonów sprowadzonych z Genewy.

Autor: strasznynewserlimitercenzoredytorgoddriver RSS
Miejsce: Sibiu (Sibiu) | Właściciel: Tursib Sibiu

Komentarze: 5

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