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Edge Lane Works Priestly Bogie Car #762

5 sierpnia 2012 - Birkenhead, Merseyside (UK – depot/zajezdnia Taylor Street. The Liverpool bogie tram waits at the museum entrance to carry passengers back to the ferry terminal. Trams run about every 30 minutes at weekends and the whole area is well worth a visit, being easy to reach from central Liverpool. Half a dozen old trams are already nicely restored, with more to follow.

Edge Lane Works Priestly Bogie Car #762

5 sierpnia 2012 - Birkenhead, Merseyside (UK) – Woodside. The shipyard town of Birkenhead lies just across the River Mersey from the city of Liverpool, which can be seen in the distance in this view of Woodside Ferry Terminal. Birkenhead was one of the pioneer tramway towns in UK and trams once left from here for all districts whenever one of the frequent ferry boats arrived from Liverpool. Now it is a much quieter place and trams disappeared many years ago – but have returned as part of a scheme to regenerate the Mersey docks area. A new heritage tramway operated by an enthusiast group now runs each weekend and extends for about one mile to a depot which also houses a transport museum. This rather fine bogie tram was built in Liverpool in 1931/2 to a rather old-fashioned design when compared to other 1930s trams which ran in Blackpool. After withdrawal in 1955, it became a sports pavilion until it was rescued and rebuilt in 2001.

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