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Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt #31

- Elbing, vehicle no. 31 (Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt) is running solo on route 1 for Reichsbahnhof. The Northern terminus of route no. 1 was at Vogelsang. The park at Vogelsang is the park Bażantarnia, and the rural background in the photo could indicate that the picture was taken in the Lönsallee, which is the ul. Marymoncka. The photo appears to be taken during the war. The photographer indicated on the back side is W. Esch.

Waggonfabrik L. Steinfurt #38

1942 - Elbing, Äusserer Mühlendamm (Ul. 1 Maja), 1942. Photo by Mr. W. Esch from the collection of Mr. Peter Boem.

Komentarze: 2

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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