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Alstom X`Trapolis 100 #01

15 lutego 2018 - Valparaíso metro area, Villa Alemana - Sargento Aleda. The 43 km/27 mi long metro line in Chile`s second largest city commenced operations in 2005, based on a former commuter railroad. This picture shows the first out of 27 Alstom 100 units delivered along with the metro`s opening.

Autor: Jarosznewsercenzoredytor RSS
Miejsce: Valparaíso (Valparaíso) | Właściciel: Metro Valparaíso | Organizator: TMV Valparaíso | Linia: Metro

Alstom X`Trapolis 100 #24

15 lutego 2018 - Valparaíso, Av. Espana, Puerto - Bellavista. The first section of Valpo`s metro line runs along the city`s container port. The terminus, called simply `Puerto` (Port), is located on the ground level of the rainbow building seen in the background.

Autor: Jarosznewsercenzoredytor RSS
Miejsce: Valparaíso (Valparaíso) | Właściciel: Metro Valparaíso | Organizator: TMV Valparaíso | Linia: Metro

Komentarze: 2

Alstom X`Trapolis 100 #13

15 lutego 2018 - Valparaíso metro area, Vina del Mar, Miramar station. One of the four underground stations on the metro`s only longer tunnel section(4 km / 2.6 mi), which runs under the central street of Vina del Mar, the area`s major seaside resort.

Autor: Jarosznewsercenzoredytor RSS
Miejsce: Viña del Mar (Valparaíso) | Właściciel: Metro Valparaíso | Organizator: TMV Valparaíso | Linia: Metro

Alstom X`Trapolis 100 #15

15 lutego 2018 - Valparaíso metro area, Quilpué - El Salto. Running towards the suburbs, metro trains ascend from the sea level up to 375 m/1200 ft, cutting through several hills.

Autor: Jarosznewsercenzoredytor RSS
Miejsce: Valparaíso (Valparaíso) | Właściciel: Metro Valparaíso | Organizator: TMV Valparaíso | Linia: Metro

Alstom X`Trapolis 100 #21

15 lutego 2018 - Valparaíso metro area, La Concepcion - Villa Alemana. During the peak hours (0630-0930, 1300-1400, 1700-2000), selected trips are operated with two-unit trains.

Autor: Jarosznewsercenzoredytor RSS
Miejsce: Villa Alemana (Valparaíso) | Właściciel: Metro Valparaíso | Organizator: TMV Valparaíso | Linia: Metro

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