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Jelcz M11 #2041

Jelcz M11 #2041

Wyprodukowany: 1987     Zezłomowany: 2011
Autor: Jacek Pudło pledytorRSS (1)
Dodano: 2010-12-08 21:33:52
Miejsce: Lublin / Lubelskie    
Szerokość: 750, Wysokość: 500
Rozmiar pliku: 188.80kB
23 marca 2006 - Lublin, Krasnicka avenue. After problems with Jelcz PR110U production and exploitation a solution was needed. The help came from Hungary - Ikarus was able to manufacture many chassises. This is why they were bought from them by Polish factory, and then assembled in Jelcz. Hungarian chassis of type Ikarus 260.88 and Polish body from PR110 created together Jelcz M11. Although the bus was less advanced technologically - higher floor and propulsion, it was more reliable and turned to be better than PR110U for many Polish cities. The production lasted from 1985 to 1990. This bus is a kind of "Polish Ikarus". It is equipped with Raba D2156 engine with power of 192 HP, placed between the axles, same as in every Ikarus 260.
en gt


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