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Kinki Sharyo #6006


NazwaKinki Sharyo
(Kinki Sharyo) /Kinki Sharyo Heliopolis (1967-1989)
Numer zabudowy
1981CTA القاهرة (al-Qāhirah)
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
19816006 / CTA القاهرة (al-Qāhirah)
Inne informacje
Based at Helwan


14 lutego 2010 - Helwan, Egypt - el Teram, Al Tibeen: I have seen many different tramways, but the one I always remember with most affection was at Helwan, a city just south of Cairo. Built in the early 1980s as a showpiece of modern light rail technology, Helwan was literally run into the ground for years, until the 2011 revolution finally came along and put it out of its misery. When I visited in 2010, the system only seemed to operate because no-one in authority knew how to close it down. This is the southern terminus of the main line, situated at no-where in particular, with the tram crew posing for photographs.
Autor: dvigar
14 lutego 2010 - Helwan, Egypt - el Harery Street: The smell in this area was indescribable, although the goats seemed to like it. Kinki Sharyo tram #6006 is shown on a (very) infrequent journey along the Helwan tramway. I doubt that the shepherdess expected to encounter a tram and always brings her animals out onto the tracks, although at many places in the city there is rotting food, dead dogs and other delights. This scene is typical of the condition of the Helwan tramway in its last days.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 3

16 lutego 2010 - Helwan (Egypt). Helwan has a large fleet of these 1980s, single-ended Japanese-built trams, very similar in design to Cairo and Heliopolis tramways. Here the similarity ends, however - Cairo and Heliopolis trams, although well worn, are at least kept in reasonably good condition. Most Helwan trams never leave the depot, I suspect. Despite being part of CTA Cairo, everything at Helwan is in an appalling state of repair - you can see here that, maybe twenty years ago, this was a fine, modern system with raised platforms, passenger shelters and high-speed catenary suspension for the overhead wires. It isn't vandalism that has caused this - just neglect. A decent light rail system left to rot - what a waste!
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 8

17 lutego 2010 - Helwan (Egypt) - El Harery Street. The Helwan tramway was built in 1981 and looks like it has had no maintenance or repairs since then, so is now slowly dying. Maybe one tram every THREE HOURS runs (usually empty) along the shaky tracks on two lines crossing the city. More pictures soon!
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 35

17 lutego 2010 - Heluan, Emtedad Atef El Barquqi. Na tejże ulicy znajduje się targ owocowo-warzywny, wzdłuż którego kursuje tramwaj. Jako, że częstotliwość kursowania ustalana jest przez wypadkową pór codziennych modłów, wypadków na sieci, stanu taboru i – last but not least – widzimisię motorniczych, śmieci z targowiska wyrzucane są prosto na tory. Z okazji przejazdu „naszego” kursu do pracy wzięli się robotnicy łopatami odgarniający śmieci z torowiska by umożliwić tramwajowi przejazd. O smrodzie tam panującym wolę nie wspominać… Summa summarum – jeśli kiedykolwiek zastanawialiście się jak wygląda piekło dla tramwajów, to znajduje się ono w Heluanie…
Autor: straphan
Komentarze: 24

17 lutego 2010 - Heluan, El Sarf El Sehy. Jako, że byliśmy jedynymi pasażerami na pokładzie wagonu 6006, poprosiliśmy załogę o kilka fotostopów po drodze do krańca. Tutaj pociąg wyjechał już poza centrum Heluanu i zatrzymał się u bram obszernej zajezdni tramwajowej leżącej pośród pól uprawnych.
Autor: straphan
Komentarze: 3

17 lutego 2010 - Heluan, krańcówka El Tabbin. Jak widać po pozycji wagonu torowiska w Heluanie nie widziały podbijarki od czasu otwarcia systemu w 1981r. Znajdujemy się nieopodal Nilu, w pobliżu dużego instytutu metalurgicznego, do którego onegdaj pewnie dojeżdżało tramwajem wielu pracowników. Niestety, nie wiem czym wkurzyliśmy załogę naszego pojazdu, ale odjechali oni zanim mieliśmy okazję obfotografować wagon i wsiąść do niego w drogę powrotną. Trzy kilometry do zajezdni zdecydowaliśmy się więc pokonać pieszo. Rzecz jasna za wyjątkiem Dave’a, który zawsze chodzi swoimi drogami…
Autor: straphan
Komentarze: 2

17 lutego 2010 - Helwan (EG) – El Teram, Al Tibeen. The southern terminus of the Helwan tram system is here behind a steelworks. When we visited, nothing moved, and the terminus tracks themselves looked totally derelict. A tram does come here occasionally, though – we arrived with this one and I took this picture of the conductor. The tram then suddenly drove off back towards the city, leaving us standing there with a 3km trek to the depot – thanks, guys………
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 3

17 lutego 2010 - Helwan (EG) – The Agricultural Road, Al Tibeen. A rare section of proper street running in Helwan. The car has just been abandoned on the track, as the driver was obviously not expecting a tram to come along – understandable, as there doesn’t seem to be any timetable and nothing runs for hours at a time! The customary Egyptian drivers’ shouting match is about to commence……….
Autor: dvigar
17 lutego 2010 - Helwan (EG) - Omar ibn Abd el Aziz Street. OK, so you can see only a very small part of the tram in this photo - but it's hard to drive it and take photos at the same time! Note the driver's lunch by the windscreen - a piece of flat bread, which all workmen seem to carry with them - and the taxi abandoned on the other track (which may not have to move for an hour or so, when the next tram comes along!).
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

17 lutego 2010 - Helwan (EG) - El Harery Street. You can see from this photo that this was a showpiece in the 1980s - a fast, well-equipped light railway. Now, after thirty years of total neglect, it just struggles to survive and really can't last much longer.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 3

17 lutego 2010 - Helwan (EG) - el Harery Street. MacDonalds Drive-Thru, all-you-can-eat salad bar. Im lovin' it.........
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 7

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