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Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #65733

24 sierpnia 2013 - Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stubbs Street.

Autor: SebGredriver RSS

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #65731

12 sierpnia 2013 - Stoke-on-Trent, Hanley, John Street.

Autor: SebGredriver RSS

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #65732

18 sierpnia 2013 - Newcastle-under-Lyme, City Centre Bus Station.

Autor: SebGredriver RSS

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #65727

24 sierpnia 2013 - Newcastle-under-Lyme, Bus Station.

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #65727

12 sierpnia 2013 - Stoke-on-Trent, Bethesda Street.

Autor: SebGredriver RSS

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #65732

10 sierpnia 2013 - Inside of the Scania L94UB / Wright Solar.

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #65705

10 sierpnia 2013 - Stoke-on-Trent, Stafford Street.

Autor: SebGredriver RSS

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #630

12 maja 2013 - Leicester, New Road. Solar opuszcza główny dworzec autobusowy.

Autor: Szeryfcenzoredytor RSS
Miejsce: Leicester (East Midlands) | Właściciel: Kinchbus Loughborough | Linia: 2

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #65705

11 sierpnia 2013 - Stoke-on-Trent, Stafford Street.

Autor: SebGredriver RSS

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #65670

20 października 2012 - Basildon, Upper Mayne, 100. Linia łącząca Lakeside z Chelmsford z 15 minutowym taktem w szczycie; wg rozkładu cały kurs zajmuje dwie godziny bez czterech minut.

Autor: rm RSS
Miejsce: Basildon (East of England) | Właściciel: First Essex Chelmsford | Linia: 100

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #4949

17 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Felling, Sunderland Road. At the end of my English series - Scania with the Gateshead Stadium in background. To sum up - their service has tickled my fancy. Every bus or train was punctual and clean, in every end station metro was cleaned superficially. For some the ticket tariff could be incomprehensible, but if we know where we want go, there is no problem to find suitable ticket. New ticket machines has Polich and even Mandarin. Furthermore, at train station, next to timetables and some phones there is a list of metro break downs and other outs of service, e.g. in March there were 4 disruptions - lateness connected with a football match, failure of door and two failures of infrastructure

Komentarze: 2

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #4937

16 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead, High Level Bridge. As straszny said (1 and 2) traffic on High Level Bridge's lower level is only for buses from Newcastle to Gateshead, while on higher level are tracks which go to Central Station in Newcastle.

Komentarze: 3

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #634

19 listopada 2011 - Leicester St. Margarets Bus Station. Główny dworzec autobusowy.

Autor: Szeryfcenzoredytor RSS

Komentarze: 4

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #625

5 maja 2011 - Lotnisko East Midlands.

Autor: Szeryfcenzoredytor RSS

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #5201

26 marca 2010 - Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK), Market Street.

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #650

22 marca 2010 - Nottingham (UK), Upper Parliament Street.

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #4932

26 marca 2010 - Sunderland (UK), Fawcett Street. Angielskie autobusy robią przyklęk trochę inaczej niż polskie.

Komentarze: 1

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #4929

26 marca 2010 - Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK), Market Street. Wright Solar to niemalże to samo nadwozie co Eclipse, ale montowane na podwoziu Scania L94.

Komentarze: 2

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